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Keep Fishing

Daily Devotional for September 7, 2024

Read: Matthew 4:18-22

Bible version changes do not affect the Key audio or "Today's Key Verse," below.

Ruben sighed. He wished a fish would take the bait on his hook. At last the bobber began to jiggle. "I've finally got

a bite!" Ruben jerked the pole quickly, but there was no fish, and most of the bait was gone.

"That must be the big one that got away," Grandpa said with a chuckle as he handed Ruben a fresh worm to put on the hook. "Don't give up. Try again."

A little later, Ruben pulled up his line again. "I got one this time!" He took a fish off the hook and put it in the pail of water.

"You sure did!" said Grandpa. "Let's see how many more we can catch."

After Ruben and Grandpa caught several more fish, Grandpa put the oars in place and rowed for shore. "Jesus talked to His disciples about fishing," Grandpa said as he pulled on the oars. "Some of them fished for a living, so they understood fish talk. Do you remember what Jesus said they should do?"

"He told them to fish for people." Ruben grinned. "But how do you do that, Grandpa? People don't eat worms."

Grandpa laughed. "That's true. So you need to offer them a different kind of food--spiritual food. You offer them the Bread of Life. That's what Jesus called Himself, remember? He's the only one who can satisfy our souls and give us true life."

Ruben thought about that for a moment. "People don't always bite though."

"No, they don't," said Grandpa. "Some don't want to hear about Jesus at all. Others are like fish that just nibble--they're curious at first, but lose interest after a while. But…" Grandpa's eyes sparkled like the water around the boat. "Other people are like the fish we caught. They want to know all they can and eventually decide to trust Jesus as their Savior." He pointed to the fish in the bucket. "We kept on fishing even though they weren't biting at first, right? And it paid off. We need to keep fishing for people too."

Ruben grinned as he admired the fish they had caught. "So even when it seems like they're not biting, we have to keep telling people about Jesus."

–Carolyn E. Yost

Do you fish for people? Do you share your faith and tell others about Jesus and how much He loves them? It can be frustrating when people don’t seem to want to listen, but don’t give up. Let others know what He’s doing in your life—maybe by mentioning a prayer that was answered or a Bible verse that helped you during a rough time. Most importantly, keep praying for those who don’t know Jesus and showing them His love.

TODAY'S KEY VERSE: Matthew 4:19 (KJV)
“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” (NIV)

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