Keys for Kids Devotional Feed


Bible Reading: Hebrews 1:1-3, 10-12

Olivia stretched out under her favorite eucalyptus tree and gazed in wonder at the koala above her. This was the best time of the day, when the skies darkened and some of the nocturnal koalas finally woke up to snack on the tree leaves. Olivia had named this koala Kiki. "I could watch you all night, Kiki--if you stayed awake for that long." Olivia giggled softly at her joke, aware that koalas slept for up to eighteen hours each day.

"God," Olivia prayed, "it seems like Kiki never changes. She sleeps all day and wakes up to chew on eucalyptus leaves, then falls asleep again so she can digest them. I wish my life could be that simple and unchanging."

Olivia's prayer was interrupted by her older brother Levi plopping down beside her. "Hi, sis. How are you holding up?"

Olivia sighed. "I just don't want everything to change. Why do Grandpa and Grandma have to leave Australia?" Olivia's lip trembled.

"They said God was calling them to America--their new mission field. We've been lucky to have them right down the road our entire lives. I'm sorry, Liv. I know change is hard."

"I hate change," Olivia muttered. "I wish my life could be like Kiki's sometimes."

Levi tugged on his sister's ponytail. "That would be a pretty boring life though, don't you think?" Olivia shrugged. "Remember this, Liv--everything around us may change, but God never does. God was here before He created the world, and He will remain when this world fades away."

"When we were little, we learned a verse that says God does not change," Olivia said. "'Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.' No matter what happens, Jesus stays with us, and He never changes."

"Some of us are still pretty little," Levi said with a grin. Olivia rolled her eyes.

Levi stood and brushed off his pants. "Ready to head inside? Grandma and Grandpa are coming to spend more time with us tomorrow."

"I guess." Olivia tilted her head to look at Kiki one more time. "Hey, Levi? Thanks for reminding me that God never changes. I'm going to try to remember that when I'm feeling sad about Grandma and Grandpa."

-Savannah Coleman

How About You?
Are you going through a time of change in your life? Sometimes change can be fun, such as getting a pet or meeting a new friend. Other times change can be very difficult, like when someone you love moves away. When hard changes come, remember that God is unchanging. The God who created the world will be the same throughout your entire life, and He promises to always be with you.

Today's Key Verse:
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever. (NIV) (Hebrews 13:8)

Today's Key Thought:
God never changes

For His Glory (Part 2)

Bible Reading: Psalms 104:24-31; 145:14-21; 1 Peter 5:7

"How was the campout?" asked Cole's mom at breakfast the next morning.

"Great!" Cole said. "I think we ate three pounds of hot dogs."

Ethan laughed. "And two pounds of marshmallows."

"You sure had a beautiful night for sleeping under the stars," Mom said.

"Yeah," said Cole. "Made us think about God a lot."

"Thinking about the whole universe made me feel pretty small," said Ethan.

Mom smiled. "I know what you mean. It's good to think about how great God is, but it's also important to remember that He's interested in little things. Actually, the fact that He's interested in small things as well as big ones really emphasizes His greatness." She turned to Cole. "Have you shown Ethan the microscope you got for your birthday?"

"Yeah, he did. It's cool!" said Ethan. "Let's go use it, Cole."

"Okay," Cole replied, and the boys hurried off.

As Ethan peered through the lens a little later, he saw what appeared to be a giant horned monster. "Ew! What is that thing?"

"A flea." Cole laughed. "I got it off my dog."

Ethan took another look. "I didn't know fleas had all those horns and claws. Let's find some other things to look at." Soon the boys had examined an ant, a leaf stem,

a worm, and parts of a flower. "Cool!" Ethan said as he looked at a drop of water they had taken from a puddle.

"Wow!" exclaimed Cole when Ethan moved over so he could peer into the lens. The boys were amazed at all the tiny creatures they found swimming in the water. "There must be billions of these microscopic things all over the world, and we never see them," said Cole.

Mom spoke from the doorway. "Even though no one sees those little creatures, each one was created by God in a special way. And He sees and knows each one of us too, even when it seems like no one else does. He created each of us and loves us so much He sent His Son, Jesus, to die for us. Even though we may feel small sometimes, we're very important to God, and He cares about every detail

of our lives."

-Sherry L. Kuyt

How About You?
Do you realize that God cares about every little thing--even those too small for you to see? Do you realize He cares about you? He knows every detail of your life and has a purpose for you. God, the great Creator, loves you so much that He humbled Himself to be your Savior. You can bring any care or worry to Jesus, no matter how small it seems. Praise Him for His greatness and for the love and care He shows you each day.

Today's Key Verse:
My mouth will speak in praise of the Lord. Let every creature praise his holy name for ever and ever. (NIV) (Psalm 145:21)

Today's Key Thought:
Praise God for His care

For His Glory (Part 1)

Bible Reading: Psalms 19:1-6; 145:1-7; Ephesians 2:8-10

Cole and his friend Ethan lay in their sleeping bags, gazing up at the sky. "I love camping out in the backyard," said Cole. "I wonder how many stars are out there. Look at them all! There must be millions of them."

"Yeah, and those are just the ones close enough to see without a telescope," Ethan said. "My science teacher says there are over a hundred billion galaxies, and each galaxy has millions or even billions of stars! Just think how big the universe must be. Do you ever wonder how it all got there?"

Cole was silent for a moment, then replied, "I believe what the Bible says--that God created everything. God hung the world in space and placed each star just where He wanted it." Cole rolled onto his side and propped himself up on his elbow to face Ethan. "Have you ever thought much about God, Ethan?"

Ethan stared into the vast darkness overhead. "Sometimes I do. I guess there must be a God, but I don't really understand why He made all those galaxies and stuff that nobody can see anyway."

Cole grinned. "That reminds me of what I said to my mom when I cleaned my room yesterday. I told her I didn't see why I had to clean under my bed, since nobody looks under there anyway. She said she had her reasons even if I didn't understand them. So she said to clean it for her."

Ethan laughed. "That sounds like my mom too. I guess all mothers are like that."

Cole nodded. "Mom has her reasons for wanting me to clean under the bed, and I'm sure God has His reasons for all that He created. I know the Bible says everything--what we see and what we can't--was made by God and for God, so it sounds to me like He created everything for Himself, not just for us. But all those billions of stars help us realize how great and awesome God really is."

"Yeah," replied Ethan. "Makes me feel kind of small."

"I know," said Cole. "But the Bible says we're His greatest creation of all. He made us and Jesus came to save us for His glory."

-Sherry L. Kuyt

How About You?
Do you ever think about the vastness of the universe? Does it make you think of the greatness of God? You can never fully comprehend His greatness or the reasons for all the things He has done, but know that you are important to Him. Out of all the amazing things He created, the Bible says we are His masterpiece, created for His glory in Jesus. Enjoy the glorious splendor of God's majesty as you rest in His great love for you.

Today's Key Verse:
Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. (NIV) (Psalm 145:3)

Today's Key Thought:
God is great and awesome

The Old Doll

Bible Reading: Isaiah 51:6-8, 11; 1 Peter 1:23-25

"I'm glad you came to help me today, Danielle," Aunt Meg said as the two of them explored the cluttered attic. They laughed at their discoveries as they sorted through boxes, getting ready for a garage sale. Aunt Meg picked up a box. "I think my doll Rosie should be around here somewhere."

"Is this it?" Danielle asked.

"It sure is--my little Rosie! I played with her all the time when I was your age." Aunt Meg took the doll and settled its soft body into the crook of her arm like a real baby. Its round face smiled up at her.

"These dolls were very popular when I was a kid," said Aunt Meg. "They came with birth certificates and adoption papers, and people were crazy about them. Rosie was a birthday gift from my parents." She looked at the doll thoughtfully. "I still remember a message our pastor gave the Christmas before I got Rosie. People stood in line for hours and paid big money for these dolls. Pastor Burton told us they would eventually lose their appeal and popularity. He reminded us that material possessions can never bring fulfillment and lasting joy. Only Jesus can satisfy our hearts--and the gift He offers of eternal life with Him is free." She handed the doll back to Danielle. "Pastor Burns was right. I don't get excited about these dolls anymore--or about a lot of other things that were popular once. Look at all the stuff in this attic." She smiled. "But I still get excited when I think about Jesus and all He's done for me. He fills me with joy every day!"

Danielle looked at the doll. "Rosie is nice, but I can't believe you got that excited over something like this."

Aunt Meg's eyes twinkled. "Oh, I think I know someone who has a pretty large doll collection of her own."

Danielle giggled. "Yeah, I guess I did always want to have whatever dolls were popular with my friends when I was younger. Most of them aren't so popular anymore though. Maybe I'll sell some of them at our garage sale."

"Popular items change continually," said Aunt Meg. "But Jesus is always the same. He's a gift we can always get excited about!"

-A. J. Schut

How About You?
Do you have things that have lost their appeal? Are there new things that are popular now you wish you could get? Material things only satisfy for a brief time. You soon grow tired of them, or they become outdated. But the gift of eternal life Jesus offers us is absolutely free, and He brings joy that lasts forever! Accept His gift today. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page.)

Today's Key Verse:
The gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NKJV) (Romans 6:23)

Today's Key Thought:
Only Jesus brings lasting joy

Tending the Flock

Bible Reading: Acts 2:40-42, 46-47; Hebrews 10:24-25

"Good morning, Hendrick," Ivan said to his lamb as he entered the fenced enclosure. "C'mon. I'll brush your nice wooly coat. You're going to win that blue ribbon at the fair in a couple of weeks." Ivan got busy and groomed Hendrick until his mother called him for lunch.

"Hendrick is going to win that blue ribbon, Mom. I just know it," Ivan said as he bit into his sandwich.

Mom smiled. "He just might," she replied. "By the way, have you talked to Sebastian to see if he'll be going to church with us tomorrow?"

Ivan shook his head. "No, but he got saved last week, so it doesn't matter." He went out the door. "I'm going to see what Hendrick's up to."

When Ivan reached the enclosure, he saw that the gate had been left open and the lamb was gone. "Mom!" he called as he ran to the house. "Hendrick got out! Will you help me find him?" Mom came quickly, and together they searched for Ivan's lamb.

"Hendrick! I was worried sick!" Ivan said when they found him in a nearby field--right in the middle of thorny vines with burrs that got stuck in his coat. "I had you all cleaned and brushed. Now look at you!"

Mom stood and eyed the lamb. "Just because Hendrick is clean and brushed doesn't mean your work with him is done. He's still growing and learning." Mom looked at Ivan. "He reminds me of your friend Sebastian."

"Sebastian?" Ivan was puzzled. "What do you mean? I don't think he's going to go out in a field and get burrs in his hair."

"Hendrick needs care and guidance even after he's been brushed and fed," Mom explained. "And Sebastian--even after he's saved--needs care and guidance too. He needs to be around people who can remind him of God's love and forgiveness and guide him in his Christian life. Jesus doesn't leave us on our own after He washes our sins away and makes us new--He continues to care for us and teach us throughout our lives. One way He does that is through other Christians."

Ivan nodded slowly. "I'll bike over to Sebastian's and ask him to go to church with us--as soon as I get this lamb back in his pen!"

-Dolores A. Lemieux

How About You?
Do you encourage kids who are already saved to attend church? Do you invite them to join you at Bible club? Or do you think new Christians can take care of themselves? All Christians need help and guidance from one another so we can learn more about Jesus and grow in our relationship with Him. You can help those new to faith feel welcome at church so they can receive the care and guidance they need.

Today's Key Verse:
Let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together…but encouraging one another. (NIV) ( Hebrews 10:24-25)

Today's Key Thought:
Help new Christians