Some call these the dog days of summer. These months are full of hope because kids, teens, and families are spending time in God’s Word through our reading programs, we’re providing resources to Ukrainian refugees and unreached peoples in Afghanistan and other places, and we’re looking for even more opportunities for outreach. It’s a Summer of Hope.
You can make a splash this summer in our Summer of Hope Campaign. Summer vacation doesn't stop the Keys for Kids Ministries mission of igniting a passion for Christ in kids, teens, and families worldwide. Unfortunately, families, who are eager to deepen their faith, face financial hardships that prevent them from supporting the cost of our daily devotionals, apps, Keys for Kids Radio, podcasts, and other resources that keep kids, teens, and families pointed to Christ each day. Your support is vital to ensuring that these resources reach every heart, regardless of their financial situation.
*Only donations made online by US residents can be receipted for tax purposes by this office. Canadian residents can be receipted by donating online at 
or through our Canadian office: Keys for Kids Ministries Canada #740 PO Box 14006 Abbotsford, B.C. V2T 0B4