Keys for Kids Devotional Feed

Nothing Can Separate

Bible Reading: Romans 8:35-39; 1 John 4:13-16

SPLASH! Joelle's brother filled the trench between their two sandcastles with a full bucket of water.

"No!" Joelle's eyes filled with tears. "Now they can't get to each other!" She jumped to her feet. "Take the water away, Stanley!"

Her brother shook his head. "There has to be water in the moat."

"No!" Joelle looked between the two castles. "No!"

"What's going on?" Tessa, their babysitter, walked up to them. "Joelle, calm down."

"He put water between the castles!" Joelle pointed at her brother. "Now they can't get to each other!"

Tessa smiled. "Oh, and they're in love?"

"No!" Joelle stomped a foot. "Stanley has the king's house. He built a castle for him. And I built the princess's house. She's his daughter. Her daddy needs to be able to get to her."

"Oh." Tessa scratched her head. "Hmm…"

"There has to be water in the moat," Stanley said quickly.

"Well…" Tessa crouched down. "If the daddy loves the little girl, he will find a way to get to her." She picked up a shell and set it by Stanley's castle. "This is a boat for him to use to get to his daughter."

"What if the boat doesn't work?" Joelle asked, brushing at her eyes.

Tessa picked up a piece of driftwood and set it between the two castles. "And this is a bridge."

Joelle swallowed. Maybe that would work.

"If the daddy loves his princess, he'll find a way to get to her," Tessa said. "Just like God will always find a way to be with us. Nothing can ever separate us from Him. Jesus became human and died to save us, and He will always be with us."

"What about when we do bad things?" Stanley asked, looking up from his castle.

Tessa shook her head. "When we trust in Jesus, our sins are forgiven."

"What about when it's storming?" Joelle asked.

Tessa smiled and shook her head. "Are you asking about God or the people living in your castles?" she asked. "God won't let anything separate you and Him. That king in Stanley's castle is going to find a way to the princess, even if it starts to storm."

Joelle stared at her babysitter for a long minute before she smiled too. She liked the thought of that.

-Emily Acker

How About You?
Do you know that if you trust in Jesus, He is there with you no matter what you face? He isn't going to leave you because you do something bad or because your life is too messy. He came to earth, died for our sins, and then rose again so He could be with us forever. Nothing can separate God from His children. Even when you face storms in life, He will be with you.

Today's Key Verse:
Nothing in all creation will ever be able to separate us from the love of God that is revealed in Christ Jesus our Lord. (NLT) (Romans 8:39)

Today's Key Thought:
Nothing can separate you from God

Too Many Michaels

Bible Reading: Psalm 8:3-9; Isaiah 49:15

"I have a message for you," Leo's mom told him when he came in from playing outside. "Michael called a few minutes ago. He wants you to call him back."

"Michael Burke?" asked Leo in surprise. "I thought he was on vacation."

"No, it was Michael Watson," said Mom. "I forgot you had more than one friend named Michael."

Just then Leo's older sister burst into the room. "Guess what! I'm going to the church softball game with Michael!" she exclaimed. "He asked me today."

Leo laughed. "Which Michael?"

"I only know one Mi--" She stopped. "Oh, that's right. I do know other Michaels. Well, this one is Michael Ford."

Before going to bed that night, Leo prayed for his family and friends. He thought about a boy in his class at church who needed surgery. "Dear Lord, please be with Michael," Leo began. Then he paused. "You know--Michael Smith," he added. "The one who needs heart surgery."

Leo frowned as he thought about how many Michaels there were in the world. There must be lots of Lukes and Sophias and Bens too, he thought. And Leos! He had thought of God as his personal friend, but suddenly he felt like just one of millions of people. He felt small and unimportant.

A few days later, Leo's dad, who was a doctor, called from the hospital. "Michael had his surgery today, and he's doing fine," he told Leo. "Guess what? There are three other Michaels on this floor!"

"Well, I hope the doctors and nurses don't get them mixed up," said Leo.

Dad laughed. "There's even another Michael Smith here, but don't worry. Our Michael's mother is the head nurse on this floor. Believe me, she knows which Michael belongs to her!"

When Leo prayed for his friend that night, he knew he didn't have to remind God which Michael he was praying for--or which Leo was asking. Just as a mother knows her own son, God knows each of His children. God knows I belong to Him because I trust in Jesus, Leo thought. I'm just as special as if I were the only Leo in the whole world!

-Catherine Runyon

How About You?
Do you think God ever gets tired of caring for so many people? Do you wonder if He's too busy to hear your requests, fears, or problems? Don't worry! God knows each of His children, and every one is special to Him. He sent His own Son, Jesus, to die for you so you could belong to Him, and He cares about everything you go through in your life. He will never forget you!

Today's Key Verse:
I [God] have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; you are mine. (NKJV) (Isaiah 43:1)

Today's Key Thought:
God knows you personally

A Special Home

Bible Reading: John 14:1-6; Revelation 21:1-4

"What are you doing, Mom?" Cami asked as she walked out to the barn. Her mother stood at the open door.

"Watching some birds," said Mom softly. She pointed toward the rafters. Cami stood beside her mother, and together they quietly watched a bird fly into the barn with a small feather in its mouth. Another bird soon joined it, and Cami and her mom watched as the two birds flew back and forth, busily building a nest.

Suddenly Cami sneezed, and the birds flew away. "Oops! Sorry, little birds. I didn't mean to scare you off," said Cami.

"I'm sure they'll soon be back to finish their nest," said Mom.

"What kind of birds are those, Mom?" Cami asked as they turned to go back to the house.

"They're barn swallows," Mom replied.

"Cool! I should have recognized them. We learned about them at school. Our book said the birds gather mud and roll it into a pellet. They carry it back to the place they've picked out and use it to build a cup-shaped nest. Then they line it with grass and feathers."

"That's interesting," said Mom. "I didn't realize they used mud to build their special little nest."

"Special?" Cami made a face. "A mud nest doesn't sound very special to me!"

Mom laughed. "I guess that's because you're not a barn swallow." She opened the screen door to the house. "Did you know someone has made a special home for you too, Cami?"

"What?" Cami asked in surprise. "Are we going to move?"

Mom smiled and shook her head. "Jesus has prepared a very special place for you. The Bible says everyone who trusts Him as their Savior has a home with Him. He died and rose again to prepare that place for us--a special place in God's family. He is always with us, and one day, when He comes back, we'll live in a perfect world with Him forever. Isn't that a wonderful thing?"

Cami nodded. "Pastor Roberts talked about that last week." She grinned. "But the new world he told us about sounds much better than a mud nest!"

"No doubt about that!" said Mom. "A mud nest is great for barn swallows, but the home we have with Jesus is so much better."

-Sharon K. Regehr

How About You?
Do you have a home with Jesus? He went to the cross to prepare a special place for you in God's family. If you know Him as your Savior, you have a home with Him forever. He will be with you every day during your life on earth, and one day you'll live with Him for all eternity in a wonderful place with no tears, pain, sickness, or death. Make sure you have a special home with Him. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page.)

Today's Key Verse:
[Jesus said,] I go to prepare a place for you. (NKJV) (John 14:2)

Today's Key Thought:
Jesus has prepared a special home

Drill It Out

Bible Reading: Psalms 19:7-14; 119:132-133

James clenched the arms of the dentist's chair, hoping Dr. Jones was nearly finished drilling out his cavity. It was a relief when the drill's buzzing stopped and Dr. Jones checked the tooth. "Are you finished yet?" James asked anxiously.

"Almost. Just a little more drilling, James. We want to make sure the tooth won't continue to decay underneath the new filling." He began drilling again. "If we don't get every bit of the decay out of this tooth, it will get worse and cause problems later on." Dr. Jones hesitated. "It's a bit like that with sin, isn't it? If we notice sin in our lives and ignore it, it will also cause problems later on."

"Uh-huh," James said, glad he couldn't talk while Dr. Jones was working. I'm not sure I like having my Sunday school teacher for my dentist, he thought.

"For example," continued Dr. Jones, "when I was younger, I used to tell a lot of little lies--white lies, they're often called. I didn't think they'd hurt anyone because they didn't seem like that big of a deal. But one day I told a white lie that got blown way out of proportion, and I had to keep telling bigger and bigger lies to cover it up. But the truth finally came out, and I got in big trouble. So now, if I ever catch myself telling a white lie, I confess it to Jesus and trust Him to help me tell the truth instead."

The buzzing stopped, and Dr. Jones grinned at James. "That should take care of this tooth. And if there are any cavities of sin in your life, be sure to get them drilled out too."

"By confessing them to Jesus?" James asked, feeling more relaxed now that the drilling was finished.

"Right," Dr. Jones said as he raised James's chair to a sitting position. "He always forgives us when we confess our wrongs to Him. He'll give you a fresh start whenever you need one." Dr. Jones handed James a mirror. "Just like the fresh start you got with that tooth today!"

James looked at his tooth in the mirror and grinned. "Thanks, Dr. Jones," he said as he got up from the dentist's chair. "See you Sunday!"

-Carolyn E. Yost

How About You?
Are there things in your life that you know aren't quite right? Maybe just a little lying, a little cheating, or a little talking about people behind their backs? There's no such thing as big and little sins--sin is simply wrong, and God hates it all. That's why Jesus died for us--to save us from sin so we can live a life of love instead. Confess your sins to Him and He will forgive you.

Today's Key Verse:
If we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. (NLT) (1 John 1:9)

Today's Key Thought:
Confess sin

Burning Bushes

Bible Reading: Exodus 3:1-10; 2 Timothy 3:14-16

"We had a Bible story about Moses in my class at church today," Autumn told her family at dinner. "We learned that God talked to Moses from a burning bush. Our teacher says God still speaks to people."

Wesley jabbed his fork into a potato. "Maybe, but not through anything as interesting as a burning bush." He grinned. "I'd like to see one of those--and I don't mean the kind that has red leaves in the fall. I mean one that's really on fire!"

"Yeah!" said Autumn. "Imagine one of Mom's best bushes on fire and God speaking to us out of it!"

Mom laughed. "Make it a bush way at the back of the yard, will you? We don't want to burn the house down!"

"You know, it doesn't require a real burning bush for God to speak to us," said Dad. "That bush was just what got Moses's attention. It was when he stopped what he was doing to check it out that God spoke to him. Today God speaks to us through His Word, the Bible, and He often uses a different kind of burning bush to get our attention. The situations we face in life can help us turn our attention toward Him so we can listen to what He has to say."

"Like when Grandma died when I was little?" asked Wesley. "I had never really thought about death before, and it scared me. But then the pastor at Grandma's funeral talked about Jesus and how we don't have to be afraid of death because He died and rose again to save us from it, so I decided to trust Him as my Savior!"

Dad smiled and nodded. "The situations God allows in our lives to get our attention can often be difficult ones," he said. "God can use them to help us see how much we need Him."

"He uses people to do that too--like the pastor at Grandma's funeral," said Mom. "He got Wesley's attention by sharing the message of God's love when he needed to hear it."

"Right," said Dad. "And when Wesley trusted in Jesus, He received the Holy Spirit, who lives in us and gives us wisdom and understanding as we read and listen to God's Word."

Autumn grinned. "That's even better than a real burning bush!"

-Tanya Ferdinandusz

How About You?
Do you think God no longer speaks to people like He did in stories from the Bible? He does--through His Word, the Bible, and through the Holy Spirit. Sometimes He also uses the people and circumstances in our lives to help us pay attention and listen to what He has to say. So be on the lookout for anything He's trying to tell you. Are there any burning bushes in your life--people or circumstances that are pointing you toward Him?

Today's Key Verse:
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all truth. (NLT) (John 16:13)

Today's Key Thought:
God still speaks to people today