Keys for Kids Devotional Feed

A Heavy Burden

Bible Reading: Romans 5:6-11; 1 Peter 5:7-11

"Mom, I wish Dad still lived here," said August as he finished getting ready for school. He sighed deeply. "I…I wish I had acted better. Then maybe he wouldn't have left."

"August, Dad didn't leave because of your behavior. He loves you as much as ever," Mom said, putting an arm around August.

"You're sure?" asked August. Mom nodded, but August sighed again. Both his mom and dad had said that many times. He wanted to believe them, but there was an ache in his heart that wouldn't go away. He was sure if he hadn't whined so much or had obeyed more quickly, Dad wouldn't have moved out.

At school, thoughts of his dad often popped up between the sentences August was reading. He finally got his mind off his problems when his teacher showed the class a big book on space travel. "Can I take it home today and show my mom?" August asked after class. He was thrilled when his teacher said yes.

August took the heavy book and began walking home. As he walked, it seemed to grow heavier and heavier. "Look what I've got," he said when his mom met him at the back door. "This book is so cool--but it makes my arm ache."

"That book is awfully big. It's a burden too heavy for you to carry." Mom reached down and took the book. "Feelings can also be burdens too heavy for us to carry. Like the feeling you have that Dad left because of you."

"I sure wish I didn't have that feeling," August said. "It hurts worse than my arm."

"I know," said Mom. "Jesus invites us to give our burdens to Him. He can handle any burden we're trying to carry ourselves and promises to give us rest and strength. Wouldn't you like Him to carry that burden for you?" August nodded. "Let's talk to Him about it," said Mom, so they bowed their heads and prayed together. "Now," said Mom, "anytime you feel like Dad's leaving is your fault, go to Jesus again, and remember that He'll carry the burden for you. Will you do that?"

August nodded. His arm still hurt, but the ache in his heart felt much better.

-Katherine R. Adams

How About You?
Do you have a burden that's too heavy for you? If your parents are separated or divorced, do you wonder if it's your fault? Maybe worries about school or friends often fill your mind. Talk to an adult about your heavy burdens--someone who can help you turn them over to Jesus. He loves you and wants to carry them for you. If they start to worry you again, give them right back to Him--and learn to leave them there.

Today's Key Verse:
Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. (NLT) (Psalm 55:22)

Today's Key Thought:
Give your burdens to Jesus


Bible Reading: Luke 12:15-21, 31; Hebrews 13:5

"Mom! The house on the corner--the one we looked at last year--is for sale again," Charlotte said as she burst through the door. "Can we look at it again, Mom? Can we buy it? It's so cool!"

"It's a beautiful house," said Mom. "But it was too expensive when we looked at it before, and I'm sure it still is." She glanced around the room. "This is a beautiful house too. God has provided well for us."

"Yes, but the one on the corner is so much bigger!" said Charlotte.

"But the only way we could pay for that house would be to live on canned spaghetti and powdered milk," Mom said with a grin. "Does that sound good to you?"

Charlotte laughed. "No, but wouldn't it be nice if we were richer and could afford a house like that? Maybe you could work more hours, and I could do odd jobs for people in the neighborhood."

Mom frowned. "Do you remember what happened when we tried to make a super-duper buffet lunch last week?"

"Yeah." Charlotte groaned. "We had the oven going, and every appliance we owned was plugged in. We blew one fuse after another, so we couldn't get anything done!"

"Yes," said Mom. "We ended up with a lot of half-cooked food because we tried to do too much. Can you see how we might learn something from that experience?"

"Sure." Charlotte giggled. "We learned we need the big house on the corner because the electric stuff here doesn't work so well!"

Mom laughed. "I had a more spiritual lesson in mind. I'm thinking that we could overload ourselves like we overloaded the wiring. More work, more possessions, more debt--filling our lives with more more more can make us lose track of what really matters. It might seem like a bigger house or more stuff will bring us more satisfaction in life, but we need to remember that only Jesus can satisfy the deepest desires of our hearts. He knows our wants as well as our needs, and He promises to fill our lives with the riches of His love and grace, which is worth far more than anything money can buy. Let's trust Him and be thankful for a safe and comfortable home we can afford."

-Lorna B. Hickey

How About You?
Do you ever wish your parents had more money? Do you dream about the things you'd be able to buy if they did? Money provides physical comforts, but nothing you can buy will ever satisfy your soul. Only Jesus can do that. So don't overburden yourself seeking riches that don't satisfy. Remember that Jesus knows exactly what you need, and let Him fill your life with the richness of knowing Him.

Today's Key Verse:
Guard against every kind of greed. Life is not measured by how much you own. (NLT) (Luke 12:15)

Today's Key Thought:
Things don't satisfy

To Laugh or Not to Laugh

Bible Reading: Zechariah 7:9-10; Ephesians 4:32; 1 Peter 3:8-12

After the basketball game, Gracie's mom picked her up. "Can we drop Liv off at her house?" asked Gracie.

"Sure," said Mom, and the girls climbed into the back seat.

"That girl with the purple pants was a mess, wasn't she, Gracie?" Liv giggled. "She couldn't make a basket if you set it three inches in front of her nose!"

Gracie frowned. "You've got to give her credit for trying. She was doing her best! Besides, I felt bad for her." Liv shrugged and changed the subject.

At home, Gracie set the table while her mom fixed dinner. "I'm proud of you," Mom said as she took out a recipe book. She moved things around on the counter and appeared to be looking for something. "I'm glad you didn't make fun of the girl on the other team today."

"Well, it's not like I'm going into the basketball hall of fame either," Gracie said sheepishly.

Mom smiled at her. "Maybe that helped you to be kind. I know it's tempting to poke fun at people, but we have to remember that God created and loves every one of us, and He wants us to respect one another. By not making fun of that girl, you showed the kind of love and compassion today that Jesus shows us." Mom opened a drawer and sorted through it.

"Are you looking for something?" Gracie asked.

Mom nodded. "My glasses. I can't imagine where I left them."

Gracie looked at her mother and burst out laughing. "Look in the mirror," she said, pointing. "You pushed them up on top of your head!" Suddenly, she stopped laughing. "Oh! I guess I shouldn't laugh! I didn't mean to make fun of you."

Mom grinned. "Yes, you should laugh!" she said, removing her glasses from her head. "It's okay to laugh at funny things that happen. Just make sure you're laughing at what a person does and not at the person, and only if it's something both of you find funny--don't laugh if it would hurt someone's feelings. In this case, you're not hurting my feelings at all."

Gracie relaxed. "You did look funny," she said. Laughter spilled out again--and Mom's laugh was even louder than Gracie's.

-Karen E. Cogan

How About You?
Do you find it hard to know when it's okay to laugh at something? If you're tempted to laugh at someone, imagine how it would feel to have others laughing at you for that same reason. If you wouldn't mind, it's probably okay. But if it would hurt you, or if the person seems to be offended at others laughing, stop. By being sensitive to people's feelings, you're showing them the love and compassion of Jesus.

Today's Key Verse:
Show faithful love and compassion to one another. (CSB) (Zechariah 7:9)

Today's Key Thought:
Don't hurt others by laughing

Poison Frogs and Words

Bible Reading: James 3:5-8

Miguel and Carlos were exploring the small stream in Miguel's backyard. "Hey, look over there!" Carlos pointed. "It's a poison dart frog! I wonder if we can catch it."

The boys ran back to the house to ask Miguel's dad for a bucket. "You're going to catch what?" Dad asked in surprise.

"A poison dart frog!" said the boys in unison.

"Maybe I should come to supervise this," Dad said. "Poison dart frogs can be dangerous if you don't handle them properly."

Dad and the boys, now armed with a bucket and gloves, went back to the stream in search of the frog. They quickly found the bright orange and blue frog perched on a rock. Together they captured the little creature in their bucket. "Boys, this tiny frog is oozing poison. In fact, animals that eat these frogs can get very sick, and many die from the toxic poison. Since it's on the frog's skin, touching it could be very painful if the poison got into a cut or open wound."

"Oh boy!" said Carlos. "These frogs are bad news!"

"They aren't all bad," said Dad. "Scientists are trying to develop medicine using some of these little guys. They think the toxins could be used in good ways like in anesthesia and muscle relaxants."

Miguel looked puzzled. "So these frogs can be both deadly and helpful?"

"That's right," said Dad. "It just depends on how they're used." He peered into the bucket to look at the little frog. "You know, poison dart frogs always make me think of our tongues," Dad said.

"I'm sure not going to lick this frog!" Carlos said with a laugh.

Dad smiled. "I wouldn't recommend that. But just like this poison dart frog can be both harmful and helpful, our tongues have the power to speak hurtful or encouraging words. The Bible says that both death and life are in the power of the tongue, so we have to choose to use our words in the right way. We need to remember that we belong to Jesus and speak in a way that reflects His goodness and love."

Miguel looked in the bucket. "Well, little poison dart frog, you will be a good reminder to use my words to help people, not hurt them."

-Kendra Angle

How About You?
Do your words bring help or harm to those around you? The Bible says our words are very powerful. We can use that power in a good way to show others the love of Jesus, or we can speak harsh, unkind words that hurt people's feelings. Jesus always helps and encourages us through His words in the Bible, and He wants us to speak words that lift people up, not tear them down.

Today's Key Verse:
The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit. (NIV) (Proverbs 18:21)

Today's Key Thought:
Speak helpful words

A Farmhouse on Mars

Bible Reading: Psalms 19:1-4; 33:6-9; John 1:1-3

Luca and his dad were watching a cartoon about creatures from another planet. "That was fun," said Luca when it ended.

Dad grinned. "Fun, yes, but also pretty silly." He got up off the couch. "And now I'm going to go finish your bookcase."

"I wonder if there really is life on other planets," Luca said as he followed his dad to the workshop.

Dad picked up an electric screwdriver. "I read an article online about the space probes scientists have sent to Mars. The probes have helped us learn a lot about the planet, but they haven't found any evidence of life."

"What kinds of things are they looking for?" asked Luca.

"If I'd known I was going to be quizzed, I would have read the article more carefully!" Dad teased. Luca laughed as he held a shelf steady so Dad could drive in the screw. "I believe they're looking for signs of either animal or plant life," Dad said. "If they found a skyscraper or a farmhouse, I imagine they'd conclude there was intelligent life on Mars."

Luca grinned at the idea of a farmhouse on Mars. "What does that mean--intelligent life?"

"It means living beings that are able to think and reason," said Dad.

"Like humans?" asked Luca.

"Exactly. So why would a farmhouse on Mars make scientists think there was intelligent life there?"

"Because somebody would have had to design it and build it," replied Luca.

"That's right. I don't think scientists are going to find a farmhouse on Mars, but the universe is full of signs of intelligent life that are visible to everyone," said Dad.

Luca's eyes widened. "It is?"

Dad nodded. "Just look at the stars in the sky, or at a dog, or a dandelion, or a human. They're not here by accident; they were designed by the most intelligent life of all--God! The Bible tells us all of creation points to God, our Creator." Dad set down the screwdriver. "There! What do you think of this bookcase?"

Luca grinned. "It looks like someone put a lot of thought and work into it, so it must be a sign of intelligent life!" Dad laughed as they carried the bookcase to Luca's room.

-Holly F. Cepeda

How About You?
Have you ever been told that the world and everything in it just happened--that it all just came together by chance? When you think about it, that makes no sense at all. Everything you see and use each day required a designer and a builder--and that includes things in nature. God created everything there is, and it all points to His greatness and glory.

Today's Key Verse:
All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made. (NKJV) (John 1:3)

Today's Key Thought:
God designed and created everything