Bible Reading: Isaiah 32:17-18; Luke 2:8-16
When she got home from school, Sybil collapsed into a chair so forcefully it scraped across the floor.
"Sybil!" said Mom. "Be careful! You're going to leave marks!" She sighed as Sybil's little sister started crying in the other room. "This house is like a war zone," she muttered.
Sybil crossed her arms. "Who do you think got the part of Mary in the Christmas play?" she asked sarcastically. "Haeun, of course! She's Mary, and I'm the narrator--again!"
Dad looked up. "Isn't Haeun your best friend?" he asked.
Sybil made a face. "Was my best friend," she corrected.
As four-year-old Emmy helped Mom decorate cookies a little later, she practiced her part for the Christmas program. "Glory to God in…in the highest, and on earth peace, good…goodwill toward men." Then she asked, "Mommy, did Mary get baby clothes for Jesus at the Goodwill store?"
Mom smiled. "No, honey. They didn't have Goodwill stores then. The word goodwill in that verse is talking about the love and favor God showed us by sending Jesus to save us from sin."
"Mom," said Sybil, "when are Aunt Lynn and Uncle Ben coming?"
Mom frowned. "They're not," she replied shortly.
"Not coming!" cried Sybil. "Why not? It won't feel like Christmas without them!" Mom didn't reply, and Sybil looked at her suspiciously. "We haven't seen them since Grandma's funeral. Are you still mad at Aunt Lynn about that picture album?"
Mom wiped a fleck of frosting off her cheek and sighed. "I'd rather not discuss it."
"You're mad at Aunt Lynn," said Emmy, "and Sybil's mad at Haeun. I don't know who I'm mad at." She went back to practicing her lines. "On earth peace, goodwill toward men."
"On earth peace, goodwill toward men," Mom repeated softly. "Jesus came into our world so we could have His peace and love in our lives. But we haven't been doing a great job of showing that peace and love, have we?" She picked up her phone. "I'm going to call Aunt Lynn. It's not too late to invite them to come for Christmas."
Sybil smiled. "Really?"
"Really," said Mom. "And maybe you should do the same with Haeun."
Sybil hesitated, then nodded. "Okay. Maybe she can come over and help decorate these cookies."
–Barbara J. Westberg
How About You?Do you have bitter, angry feelings in your heart toward anyone? Is there a hurt relationship you need to make right? Jesus came to bring peace and goodwill on earth. He came to make us right with God so we could have His peace in our hearts and live in peace with others. If there are hard feelings between you and someone else, do what you can to mend the problem and bring peace.
Today's Key Verse:Be at peace among yourselves. (NKJV) (1 Thessalonians 5:13)
Today's Key Thought:Live in peace with others