Keys for Kids Devotional Feed

Peace and Goodwill

Bible Reading: Isaiah 32:17-18; Luke 2:8-16

When she got home from school, Sybil collapsed into a chair so forcefully it scraped across the floor.

"Sybil!" said Mom. "Be careful! You're going to leave marks!" She sighed as Sybil's little sister started crying in the other room. "This house is like a war zone," she muttered.

Sybil crossed her arms. "Who do you think got the part of Mary in the Christmas play?" she asked sarcastically. "Haeun, of course! She's Mary, and I'm the narrator--again!"

Dad looked up. "Isn't Haeun your best friend?" he asked.

Sybil made a face. "Was my best friend," she corrected.

As four-year-old Emmy helped Mom decorate cookies a little later, she practiced her part for the Christmas program. "Glory to God in…in the highest, and on earth peace, good…goodwill toward men." Then she asked, "Mommy, did Mary get baby clothes for Jesus at the Goodwill store?"

Mom smiled. "No, honey. They didn't have Goodwill stores then. The word goodwill in that verse is talking about the love and favor God showed us by sending Jesus to save us from sin."

"Mom," said Sybil, "when are Aunt Lynn and Uncle Ben coming?"

Mom frowned. "They're not," she replied shortly.

"Not coming!" cried Sybil. "Why not? It won't feel like Christmas without them!" Mom didn't reply, and Sybil looked at her suspiciously. "We haven't seen them since Grandma's funeral. Are you still mad at Aunt Lynn about that picture album?"

Mom wiped a fleck of frosting off her cheek and sighed. "I'd rather not discuss it."

"You're mad at Aunt Lynn," said Emmy, "and Sybil's mad at Haeun. I don't know who I'm mad at." She went back to practicing her lines. "On earth peace, goodwill toward men."

"On earth peace, goodwill toward men," Mom repeated softly. "Jesus came into our world so we could have His peace and love in our lives. But we haven't been doing a great job of showing that peace and love, have we?" She picked up her phone. "I'm going to call Aunt Lynn. It's not too late to invite them to come for Christmas."

Sybil smiled. "Really?"

"Really," said Mom. "And maybe you should do the same with Haeun."

Sybil hesitated, then nodded. "Okay. Maybe she can come over and help decorate these cookies."

–Barbara J. Westberg

How About You?
Do you have bitter, angry feelings in your heart toward anyone? Is there a hurt relationship you need to make right? Jesus came to bring peace and goodwill on earth. He came to make us right with God so we could have His peace in our hearts and live in peace with others. If there are hard feelings between you and someone else, do what you can to mend the problem and bring peace.

Today's Key Verse:
Be at peace among yourselves. (NKJV) (1 Thessalonians 5:13)

Today's Key Thought:
Live in peace with others

Candy Cane

Bible Reading: John 3:16-18

"Can we have a candy cane?" asked Josh as he looked at the striped candy canes hanging on the Christmas tree.

"Yeah, can we? Please?" echoed his sisters, Adriane and Nicole.

"All right," Mom said. "But as you eat them, I want you to think about how they remind us of the reason we celebrate Christmas."

Each of the kids quickly selected a red-and-white-striped candy cane from the tree. Nicole held her candy at arm's length and stared at it. "I don't really see what candy canes have to do with Christmas, except that it's the time of year when you always see lots of them. Or maybe it's because there's red on them--Christmas colors are red and green."

"Nah. That's not a good enough reason," said Josh. He stared at his candy cane too. "Hey!" he exclaimed. "Part of our Sunday school verse last week said, 'By His stripes we are healed,' so the stripes can remind us of how they whipped Jesus."

"That's part of the Easter story," said Adriane. "It doesn't have anything to do with Christmas."

"Oh, but it does," said Mom. "It has to do with why Jesus came to earth. He came to suffer and die and take the punishment for our sins so those who trust in Him could be saved."

"So maybe the red stripe on the candy cane can stand for the blood Jesus shed for us when He died on the cross," said Nicole.

"And the white can stand for having our sins washed away when we trust in Jesus," added Adriane.

Josh nodded. "And look," he said, holding his candy cane upside down. "When you hold it this way, it's a J--a J for Josh." He grinned as his sisters started to protest. "Just kidding," he said. "It's a J for Jesus."

"Excellent thinking," said Mom. "Those are all great ways candy canes remind us of the real reason we celebrate Christmas--Jesus being born into the world so He could die for us on the cross. I hope these candy canes will help you remember that--not only at Christmas, but all year long."

–Jean A. Burns

How About You?
Do you get excited about Christmas and all the food, parties, and presents that go along with it? Those are all good things, but don't forget the real reason we celebrate Christmas--Jesus being born so He could die to save us from our sin. This Christmas, receive the best gift of all--eternal life with Jesus. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to

Today's Key Verse:
Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. (NKJV) (1 Timothy 1:15)

Today's Key Thought:
Jesus was born to save you

Dad’s Surgery

Bible Reading: Psalm 77:7-14

Tears started to fill Ashley's eyes as she stared at the movie playing on the TV without really watching it, and she brushed them away. Her dad was having heart surgery tomorrow, and she couldn't get him off her mind.

She felt her aunt looking over at her. "Want to help me make some popcorn?" Aunt Laurie asked.

Ashley got up and left her sisters and cousins to follow her aunt to the kitchen. "Thinking about your dad?" Aunt Laurie asked.

Ashley nodded. "I'm trying not to worry, but it's hard."

"It's okay to be scared." Aunt Laurie touched her back. "I know I am."

Ashley glanced at her aunt. "You are?"

Aunt Laurie nodded. "I've been praying and trying to give my worries to Jesus, but it's not always easy. Sometimes I have to remind myself that even the writers of the book of Psalms questioned God and admitted when they were afraid."

"They did?" Ashley asked.

"Oh yes. Some of the psalmists in the Bible even asked if God would reject them forever." Aunt Laurie pulled a big red bowl from the cupboard. "But they also praised God in the end. They remembered all the amazing things God had done and how He always looked out for them."

"And He'll look out for Dad too?" Ashley asked quietly.

Her aunt set the bowl down and hugged her. "We need to pray and trust that He will. But even if something bad were to happen, we can still praise God because of the amazing things He has done. Jesus died and rose again to save us, and He promises to get rid of all sin, sickness, and death one day. No matter what happens, we can trust Him because of that."

"Will you pray with me right now?" Ashley asked.

"Of course." Aunt Laurie bowed her head and led her in a prayer asking for healing for her dad and peace for all of them. Ashley felt a bit better when she was done.

"Want to help me with this popcorn now?" Aunt Laurie asked.

Ashley quickly nodded. She still felt scared, but was glad she could trust God to take care of her dad, no matter what happened.

–Bethany Acker

How About You?
When you feel sad or scared because of something you're going through, do you admit it? God cares about you and wants you to be honest with Him and others about how you feel. Even the psalmists in the Bible got scared, but they still praised and trusted God. Tell Jesus how you feel, and trust Him to be with you and give you peace as you remember the amazing things He's done for you.

Today's Key Verse:
You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples. (NIV) (Psalm 77:14)

Today's Key Thought:
Trust God when you feel afraid

All at Once

Bible Reading: Psalms 34:15-17; 145:17-19

"Why are you watching the football game?" Arcelia asked her older brother. "You said you wanted to watch basketball."

"Yeah, but I'm recording the basketball game so I can watch it later," Brody replied as he munched some popcorn. Just then his phone buzzed and Brody picked it up. A moment later he whooped. "Our high school team just scored!" he exclaimed. "They're playing out of town and a friend is texting me updates."

"That's a lot of games to keep track of all at once," said Arcelia. But Brody was staring intently at his phone and didn't seem to hear her, so she shrugged and walked away.

Before long, it was Arcelia's bedtime. "Don't forget to say your prayers," Dad said when she went to tell him goodnight.

"I won't," said Arcelia. But then she frowned. "I always pray before I go to sleep, but aren't a lot of other kids praying at pretty much the same time? It seems like there would be way too many prayers to listen to all at once. Do you think God has a way to record them so He can listen to them later?"

Dad laughed. "Sounds like you've been hanging out with Brody. God doesn't have to record prayers and listen to one at a time. He can hear everyone's prayers all at the same time."

"It's just hard to imagine that God can hear us all at once," said Arcelia. "How can He do that without switching back and forth between prayers or getting distracted while listening to one person and someone else chimes in?"

"God isn't like Brody or any of us," said Dad. "God is God. We can't understand how it's possible, but He hears everything we say and even knows everything we think. We can never fully comprehend how great and powerful He is, but we know He cares about what we're going through because Jesus died and rose again to save us from our sins. He loves us so much that He became one of us, and He is always with us and hears us when we pray."

"Well, good," said Arcelia, giving her dad a hug. "Goodnight, Dad. I'll go say my prayers."

–Ruth McQuilkin

How About You?
Do you wonder how God can hear your prayers when so many other people are praying too? Do you wonder if He even wants to listen to what you have to pray about? He does! God cares about every detail of your life, and He wants to hear your thoughts, needs, interests, and concerns. Pause a moment and share what's on your heart. He's always listening.

Today's Key Verse:
The righteous cry out, and the Lord hears. (NKJV) (Psalm 34:17)

Today's Key Thought:
God hears your prayers

Special Light

Bible Reading: Matthew 5:14-16

"Wow! Look at that!" exclaimed Leah. She and her father were taking their annual Christmas lights tour around the city. Dad pulled to the side of the street so they could get a good look at the house that had won the award for having the best display of lights. As they continued on their way, they agreed that no other place could compare to the house that won the award.

The next day was the first day of Christmas vacation for Leah. "I'm glad we won't have school for a little while," she said at breakfast. "I can't do anything right at school. I don't read well, I can't spell, and I'm bad at math." She let out a long sigh. "I'm a failure."

"Leah," said Dad, "I know school is hard for you, but…" He paused. "Go get your coat," he said as she finished her breakfast. "I want you to see something."

Leah eagerly jumped up and went out to the car with her father. "Where are we going?" she asked as they drove through the city.

"You'll see," said Dad. Soon he pulled to the side of the street. "Do you recognize this place?"

"That's the house we saw last night--the one that had all the beautiful lights!" Leah said in surprise. "It looks different now. It doesn't look very special at all."

"You're right," said Dad. "It's when we see the lights shining in the night that it looks beautiful. I thought about that when you said you couldn't do anything well. You see, we may not feel like we're all that special, especially when we aren't able to do things as well as we'd like--we might think we're as ordinary as that house looks right now. But Jesus loves us no matter what we can or can't do, and because we trust in Him, we have something special--we have the light of His love. People need to see that light--the light of Jesus in us." Dad smiled. "Leah, I want you to know that the love of Jesus shines through you--and that's much more important than getting good grades in school. You're a special light for Jesus shining brightly in the night."

–Sara L. Nelson

How About You?
Do you ever feel like a failure? Does it ever seem like you can't do anything well or that you don't have any special talents or abilities? You are special because God made you and loves you, and if you know Jesus as your Savior, He has given you everything you need to be a light for Him in the world. Use that special ability to shine His light to everyone you meet!

Today's Key Verse:
You are the light of the world. (NKJV) (Matthew 5:14)

Today's Key Thought:
Be a light for Jesus