Bible Reading: Psalms 23; 139:1-6; Matthew 7:9-11
"Layla is crying again," Kiera told her aunt. "What do you think she wants this time?"
"She's probably hungry," said Aunt Michelle as she picked up her five-week-old baby.
"She can't do anything for herself, can she?" asked Kiera. "You have to pick her up and carry her. You dress her, you feed her, you rock her, and you have to give her baths."
"That's right," said Aunt Michelle. "Right now your little cousin depends on me for almost everything. I take care of her day and night."
When Kiera returned home, she told her parents all about Baby Layla. "Aunt Michelle must get really tired," said Kiera. "She has so much work to do. She does everything but breathe for that baby!"
"We were all babies like that once," Dad said. "You were too, and Mom and I did the same things for you."
"Well, I'm not like that anymore," replied Kiera, standing tall. "I take care of myself."
"I'm still like a baby in some ways," said Mom. Kiera giggled. "But I am!" Mom insisted. "I depend on my Father for everything. Sometimes I get upset because He doesn't meet my needs right when I want Him to. But most of the time I rest, trusting my Father to care for me."
"But Grandpa lives in California!" said Kiera. "You don't depend on him to take care of you."
Dad smiled. "Mom isn't talking about her earthly father. She's talking about God--her heavenly Father."
Mom nodded. "My heavenly Father is with me day and night. I need Him all the time."
"We all do," said Dad. "Aunt Michelle loves Baby Layla, so she's happy to take care of all her needs. But just think of how much more God loves us, and how much more capable He is in providing everything we need. When we needed a Savior to rescue us from sin, God loved us enough to send His own Son, Jesus."
"Right," Mom said. "Unlike human parents caring for their children, God knows what we need before we can even ask for it."
"Well, then I guess it's okay to be like a baby in that way," said Kiera. "I know I want God to take good care of me!"
–Nance E. Keyes
How About You?Do you know that in some ways you're like a baby? Even though you're much bigger and able to do lots of things a baby can't, you still need to depend on God. He gives you the air you breathe and provides everything you need. He knows how to best care for you and understands your deepest needs and desires. Trust that He is a good Father to you--His precious child.
Today's Key Verse:If you…know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask him. (CSB) (Matthew 7:11)
Today's Key Thought:God takes care of you