Keys for Kids Devotional Feed


Bible Reading: John 13:34-35; Romans 5:6-8; Galatians 5:22-23

On a Saturday morning hike, Jude and his father came to the entrance of a tunnel that went under a road. "Hello in there!" Jude called out. "Hello!"

"Hello…" came the sound of an echo. "Hello…"

Jude grinned. "I'm Jude!" he shouted. "Jude!"

"Jude…Jude…" his voice echoed back.

Soon they were through the tunnel and heading across the next open field. "Hello there!" yelled Jude once again, but there was no answering echo. Jude laughed. "I knew there wouldn't be an echo out here. I just thought I'd try it anyway."

"When sound waves hit the hard walls of the tunnel, they bounce back as an echo," Dad explained. "Out here in this open space, there aren't any obstacles like that, so the sound keeps going."

After a good hike, Jude and Dad headed home. "I hope Izzy and Ella are gone somewhere by the time we get home," Jude told his dad. "They're so annoying."

"Well, your sisters have some complaints about you too--they say you pick on them all the time," replied Dad. "I think all of you should work on getting along with each other."

"Oh, come on, Dad," said Jude. "You know what a pain sisters can be. You had three of them!"

"Yes," said Dad, "and they were a pain at times, but I'm sure they'd tell you how much of a pain I could be too. Besides, God tells us to love others and live in peace with them. That includes sisters."

"I've heard that before," said Jude. "All the time, it seems--home, church, Bible club. Everyone's always telling me to love others and be kind."

"That's because, as Christians, it's important for us to show others the love God has shown us." Dad looked at Jude thoughtfully. "Remember how everything you said in the tunnel echoed back to you? Well, as God's children, our words and actions should echo His. The Bible tells us what God is like and how He sent His own Son to die for us so we could be freed from sin. God showed His perfect love to us through Jesus, and He empowers us to be echoes of that love. Trust Him to help you echo the love of Jesus in your relationships with others--including your sisters."

–Nance E. Keyes

How About You?
Does your life echo the love of God? The Bible tells us of God's great love and how Jesus gave His life to save us from sin and death. If you know Jesus as your Savior, He gives you power through the Holy Spirit to love others the way He does. Look up Galatians 5:22-23 to see some ways we show God's love in our relationships. Then trust God to help you be an echo of the love He has shown us.

Today's Key Verse:
We love because he first loved us. (CSB) (1 John 4:19)

Today's Key Thought:
Echo God's love

Tonsils Out

Bible Reading: Psalm 56:3-4; 1 Peter 5:7

Casey sat on the porch swing clutching her favorite stuffed animal, an elephant named Tiny. "Tiny, I'm scared! I don't want to have my tonsils out tomorrow."

Mom overheard Casey talking to Tiny and walked out onto the porch. Casey began to cry, and Mom held her close.

"I'm sorry you have to go through this, but I know you're going to do just fine, and it will help you not get so sick all the time."

"But I'm scared!" said Casey.

"Remember how afraid you'd get of thunderstorms when you were younger and the verse we'd always read together?" asked Mom. "Let's read that verse together again."

Mom took out her phone and looked up Psalm 56:3. "When I am afraid, I will put my trust in you," she read. "Casey, I know having surgery is a scary thing, but when you start feeling anxious, remember that Jesus loves you and promises to be with you. Give Him your worries so that He can replace your anxious feelings with His peace."

"I want to pray right now," said Casey. So she and Mom bowed their heads and Casey prayed aloud, "Dear Lord, I'm really scared about my surgery tomorrow, and I really wish I didn't have to do it, but I know it will help me stay healthier. Please calm my fears and give me Your peace and comfort. Thank you for saving me and for hearing me when I pray. Amen!" Mom gave Casey a hug, and they sat swinging quietly for a while longer.

The next morning right before her surgery, holding Tiny tightly in her arms, Casey prayed again. When she finished, she smiled at her mom. "Thanks, Mom, for reminding me I can trust God and know He's always with me whenever I feel afraid."

Mom held Casey's hand as the nurses pushed her down to surgery. "See you in a bit. I love you."

Casey came through the surgery just fine. She did have a very sore throat, but she was excited that she would be getting all the ice cream and milkshakes she wanted. Most of all, she was thankful that God loved her and that He was taking care of her. She didn't need to be afraid--she could always bring her fears to the Lord and trust in Him.

–Lisa Fuller

How About You?
Have you ever been really, really afraid? Maybe you had fears about a test, surgery, or a thunderstorm. When you feel afraid, remember that the Lord wants you to give your fears to Him. If you know Jesus, He is always with you, and even in the worst situations, you can have peace knowing that He loves you and has promised you eternal life with Him. So give your anxious thoughts to the Lord and He will give you His peace and comfort as you trust in Him.

Today's Key Verse:
I prayed to the Lord, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears. (NLT) (Psalm 34:4)

Today's Key Thought:
Give your fears to God

Unexpected Fruit

Bible Reading: Mark 4:13-20

"Mom! Dad!" called Jayden as he raced into the house. "Come quick! I think a watermelon is growing in the backyard!"

"Really?" asked Dad. "That ground out back is so poor and rocky. I wouldn't think a watermelon could grow there."

"But there is one!" insisted Jayden. "Come and see."

"We'll look later," said Dad. "Right now we have to get to the homeless shelter or we'll be late for chapel." Jayden's family had agreed to lead the shelter's evening chapel service once a month.

"Oh, all right," said Jayden. He went to his room and got his trumpet and sheet music for the songs he would be playing at the shelter.

On the way home a couple of hours later, they discussed the service. "I don't think anyone was paying attention today," said Jayden. "I think it was a waste of time for us to go there."

"Sharing the gospel is never a waste of time," said Mom. "Someone who doesn't seem interested may actually be ready to trust Jesus as their Savior."

As soon as they got home, Jayden persuaded his parents to go look at the watermelon plant. Sure enough, there was a vine with one very small watermelon on it. "This must have grown from some seeds we threw out here last year," said Jayden.

"I think you're right," said Mom. "I've thought about planting a garden back here, but I didn't think this soil was good for growing anything. I guess I was wrong. It looks like one of those seeds fell on ground that was just right for watermelons. If it keeps growing, we'll get some fruit we didn't expect."

"We scattered another kind of seed today--the seed of God's Word," said Dad. "Like you said, Jayden, no one at the homeless shelter seemed to pay much attention, but we don't know the condition of the hearts of those people. It's possible that the seed we planted there will bring unexpected fruit too."

"You mean some of those people might still trust in Jesus because of what they heard today?" asked Jayden.

Dad nodded. "Jesus loves those people and died for them, just like He loves and died for us. Let's pray that God will make the seeds we scattered today grow in their hearts and produce fruit."

–Nance E. Keyes

How About You?
Do you feel like it's useless to share the gospel--especially with people who don't seem interested? The parable of the sower in Mark 4 tells us that the seed of God's Word falls on many different kinds of soil in people's hearts. You can't see what kind of heart-soil anyone has, but keep sharing the good news about Jesus--you never know whose heart is ready to trust in Him.

Today's Key Verse:
Other seed fell on good ground and it grew up, producing fruit. (CSB) (Mark 4:8)

Today's Key Thought:
Keep spreading God's Word

Give and Get

Bible Reading: Luke 6:38; 2 Corinthians 9:6-8

"What are you going to do with that?" Chloe asked when she saw her sister grab five dollars from her dresser before church.

"We're taking an offering today for the missions project," Taryn told her. "Did you forget?"

"Guess so," replied Chloe. But I'm not giving five whole dollars! she thought. So after her sister left the room, Chloe opened the drawer where she kept her money and took out some change. This will do, she thought as she dropped it into her pocket.

When they got home from church, Mom looked over at the flowers along the back porch. They were bursting with blooms. "Look at my pansies," she said. "Aren't they pretty?"

"Yeah!" said Taryn. "How can there be so many flowers already? You only picked off the dead ones a couple of days ago. And you picked some for little bouquets too, didn't you?"

"Yes, but pansies need to be picked often for them to blossom more fully," said Mom. "The more you pick, the more you get."

"That doesn't really make sense," said Chloe.

"Seems hard to believe, but it's true," said Mom. "It's true for other things too--like giving to the Lord. When we give to Him out of a generous, thankful heart, we receive more blessings in our lives."

"You mean God will send us more money if we give lots of money to Him?" Chloe asked.

"Well, I can't promise you that, although that could be one way He decides to bless us," said Mom. "But the extra blessings God gives us often come in a form other than money. For example, I think the greatest blessing is a sense of joy and peace that comes from giving generously to the Lord. When we give to Him with thankful hearts for all He's done for us, He reminds us of the blessings we already have in Jesus, who gave His life for us so we could have eternal life with Him. He also promises to provide for our needs so we can share His love with others by giving generously."

Chloe thought about Taryn, who was so generous and happy. Then she thought about how discontent she often felt, and she made a decision. I'm going to be like the pansies, she thought. I'm going to give more generously out of thankfulness for everything God has given me.

–Hazel W. Marett

How About You?
Do you give generously to the Lord? Do you give with a thankful heart, remembering all the blessings He's given you? Whatever you give to God, He'll give you more than you give Him. It may not be money, but it will be whatever blessing you need most. Give to God generously and He'll use your gift to bless both you and others.

Today's Key Verse:
Give to others, and you will receive. You will be given much. It will be poured into your hands--more than you can hold. (ERV) (Luke 6:38 )

Today's Key Thought:
Be a generous giver

Boat Ride

Bible Reading: John 3:16-17

It was a perfect day out on the lake--the air was hot and the water was cool. Gracie enjoyed the breeze as her dad motored their boat across the water.

"Okay, Teddy, you sit here and watch while I swim," Gracie told her teddy bear when the boat had stopped. She sat Teddy down near the boat's dashboard and then jumped into the water. Shadow, their dog, loved the water too, and he jumped in right behind her.

After an afternoon of swimming and tubing, Gracie and her parents tucked everything on the boat into place and then took off across the lake toward the dock.

"Oh no!" cried Gracie when she realized she'd forgotten her teddy bear.

Teddy went flying out of the boat. Dad slowed to a stop, and Shadow jumped in the water and retrieved the stuffed bear.

"Oh, thank you, Shadow," Gracie said as she gave the dog a hug.

"Wow, that was a close call," Mom said as Gracie squeezed as much water as she could out of her soaking-wet bear. "You'd better hold on to Teddy when Dad takes off again."

"I will!" Gracie said as she held Teddy close. Shadow plopped down beside Gracie for the rest of the boat ride.

When they arrived home, Mom put Teddy in the washing machine. "Good as new!" she announced as she handed Teddy to Gracie once he was clean.

During devotions that night, Dad read Galatians 1:4--"Jesus gave his life for our sins, just as God our Father planned, in order to rescue us from this evil world in which we live." He closed his Bible. "Shadow jumping in and rescuing Teddy today got me thinking about this verse," Dad said. "Just like Shadow rescued Teddy because he couldn't rescue himself, Jesus rescues us from our sins because we can't rescue ourselves either. By dying for our sins on the cross, Jesus made a way for us to have eternal life and live with Him forever. When we trust in Him, He saves us."

Gracie sat thinking, holding Teddy close. "I want Jesus to save me," she said.

That night Gracie gave her life to Jesus.

–Lisa Fuller

How About You?
Have you trusted Jesus to save you from sin? Sin is all around us in this world we live in, and it's also in our hearts. Sin is the reason we do wrong things, and we can't save ourselves from it. But God loves us so much that He made a rescue plan for us. He sent His Son, Jesus, to be the perfect sacrifice for our sins so we could be saved and spend eternity with Him. If you trust Him as your Savior today, He will rescue you. (To learn more, click the "Good News!" button in the right column of this page or go to

Today's Key Verse:
For this is how God loved the world: He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. (NLT) (John 3:16)

Today's Key Thought:
Trust Jesus to save you