Posted on April 08, 2016 by Greg Yoder
Grand Rapids, Mich (KFK) -- In just a few days I will be celebrating eight months in my current roll as executive director at Keys for Kids Ministries. While that's not a lot of time when you consider I had spent 20 years at my previous ministry, it's very little time when you consider all that God is doing at Keys for...
Posted on February 09, 2016 by Greg Yoder
Grand Rapids, Mich. (KFK) -- All Christians want to raise moral children. There certainly isn't anything wrong with that. We all want our children to know the difference between right and wrong and good and bad. But, are we placing too high a priority on morality and not enough attention on Grace alone, through fa...
Posted on January 28, 2016 by Greg Yoder
Grand Rapids, Mich (KFK) --You've heard it said in the media business, content is king. It's difficult weighing through the massive amounts of content, especially Christian radio stations. New programming is being produced every day. Some of it's good. Some of it's not so good. The question is, how do you pick the righ...
Posted on December 16, 2015 by Greg Yoder
Grand Rapids, Mich.. (KFK) -- Hundreds of studies tell us our kids are becoming more and more mobile savvy than ever before. A study from the journal Pediatrics reports 97% of children under 4 use mobile devices daily regardless of their family income. Another study from the American Association of Pediatrics says kids...
Posted on November 09, 2015 by Greg Yoder
An unreached people group is described as the following: “an unreached people group refers to an ethnic group without an indigenous, self-propagating Christian church movement. Any ethnic or ethnolinguistic nation without enough Christians to evangelize the rest of the nation is an "unreached people group.”...